måndag 5 mars 2012

Staying at Lady Jane's at Ducks and Drackes

3 dygn i New Plymouth
Häftig stad – centrala staden på Taranaki området  vars landskap  domineras av Mount Egmont/Mount Taranaki. Loggar in hos Jane Barckley på hennes backpacker hotell Ducks & Drakes.
 (Följande på engelska så att ägarinnan kan läsa)
nice - friendly -  nice price -but just one wineglass
A-M:Ducks & Drakes has its rotes in 1920, then with the name Hotel Inverness. It´s was a fancy hotel with silverspoons.. and tablecloating. Jane who has long experience from hotellserviceses has recently become owner of the Ducks &Drakes. She love to colouering the surroundings and has choose strong color on the walls etc.  Her job consists of  meeting people and she fancy seeing the meeting between people who coming and stay in the hotel. And she fancy coulours.
 What she don´t like is guest who dosn´t have respect for other people. But, says Jane, it doesn´t happens too often. e washing machine in the morning bit Jane told me  that it was open for guests just at nigt -Lady Jane
B: I tried to start the washing machine in the morning bit Jane told me  that it was open for guests just at nigt open for guests just at evenings so i had to remove it - when we get back late afternoon she had fixed it all. Thanks  Lady Jane

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